Wether it be wearing your makeup, wearing your hair done, or wearing your wedding dress, Wear it like you eloped!
As a makeup artist that does a LOT of adventure elopements and spend most of my jobs on location, I get asked these questions a lot. "What if it rains?" "What if it starts snowing ? "
"What if it's windy?" "Will my makeup and hair last outside?"
additionally, I get asked "what about my dress, how do I keep my dress clean?" My reply every time is EMBRACE THE ELEMENTS!
So you're eloping in the wilderness, on top a waterfall, in the forest, on a mountain, and you're curious about how to keep your shit together all day. Well my motto is always "Get as far as you can being careful, don't rub your face, don't touch your hair, pick your dress up when you walk, but eventually, just let it all go, embrace the elements, and let nature be a part of your day"
What does Pacific Brides do to help you on this endeavor?
I study, I test, I watch, I spend a ton of money and time testing product. Why am I testing product? Because I want to know how it lasts in the element. Will it make your skin look dry in the cold, will it sweat off in the summer, can you do a 4 mile hike in the snow, an over night sleep and a sunrise shoot in it? How long is it going to last, and how will it look in which climate.
Point form.... I ain't just gonna paint your face.
But I don't want to look like a mess
You wont! I use waterproof all the things, so your makeup should be solid, and even if you're wet, your hair is covered in snow, NO ONE looks bad when they are going with the flow, laughing, kissing, hugging and exploring, its' literally impossible.
OR you can book me to come with you, check out "where you go I go"
Now your dress, what if you dress gets dirty?
Well then you know you eloped right! Make your memories, embrace what the day has in store. Take bits and pieces of your elopement location home with you in your dress, and wear it like you eloped.
Wet hair, wind blown hair, rain drops on the face, dirty dresses, these are the most romantic, honest, and beautiful images of any elopement. It shows how into the moment you are, and that's where memories are made.
