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Your trial run with Pacific Brides

Updated: Jan 30, 2020

What can you expect with your trial run with Pacific Brides?

Champagne!!!!!! Let’s start with that! Who doesn’t wanna sip some bubbles (OR fizzy water) from cute little champagne flutes while getting their makeup and hairs done!!

OK I got excited, let’s start with the actual booking part..

I just started my makeup and hair search, Can I book a trial run with you? You absolutely can, however there are a few things you need to know about booking Pacific Brides. You can book a trial run prior to booking your wedding with Pacific Brides, HOWEVER this will not hold your wedding date. We start booking peak dates and Saturdays 12-18 months in advance. 100% of Brides who book their wedding with Pacific Brides pay their retainer right away to hold their date before booking a trial run.

You book HOW FAR IN ADVANCE ?? How will you remember what we did at the trial? As said above our brides book us for services about 12-18 months in advance

so how do we remember what your wedding look is after that long? WHELP ‘cause we don’t book trials until 2-4 weeks before the wedding. Why? We book a lot of weddings throughout the year. So to not get overwhelmed, and still be able to accommodate our brides, and give them our attention leading up to their wedding, we work in 2 month increments. 2 months before your wedding you’ll be prompted to book your trial run. Trials are offered two days a week (which your email will inform you of). This helps keep your style fresh in our minds and match with the climate of your actual wedding. Think of it this way, your skin gets pretty dry in the winter and thank you PNW, most of us are pretty fair during the winter (even naturally darker tones). So if we do your trial 6 months before your wedding, all of the skin prep, the foundation selection, and colors wouldn’t hold true for your summer wedding, OR the opposite, if you’re having a winter wedding and request a trial run in the summer. This also helps keep your style fresh in our minds (don’t worry I also take a ton of unflattering detailed images of your face and hair so I remember everything we did)

Can I do trial runs on weekends?

Short answer? No! Why? ‘Cause I got weddings yo!! LOTS OF THEM! On a typical wedding I’m spending about 4-7 hours getting everyone ready, the only thing I want to do after a wedding is eat tacos and drink margaritas. I’m WIPED after a wedding, and won’t have the energy to fully provide you with the service that you deserve.

Can I do my trial run for my engagement/boudoir session?

I STRONGLY recommend NOT doing this. Lemme point form this:

Read above, “when can I book my trial run?” You typically do your engagement session months before your wedding.

Will you be wearing your wedding dress and accessories for your engagement session? The way we style you for your wedding is meant to go with what you’re wearing that day! Engagement sessions are typically more low key. Could you imagine having an updo when you’re rocking your cute little leather jacket, skinny jeans and Puma wedge sneakers (ok ya that's what I would wear lol) but you get my point lol. Or nakkie doing a boudoir session?

Do you want everyone to see what you’d look like on your wedding in your engagement photos?

The 3 times I’ve offered this to brides they’ve all had to book a second trial run. Why? Because they were so focused on how they were going to look that day that after words they second guessed how they wanted to look on their wedding. And yes, you have to pay for a second trial run.

OMG what if I don’t like my makeup and hair?

IT’S TOTALLY OK!!! DID YOU KNOW……. not all brides LOVE their trial? And that’s OK. Sometimes I don't even love it.. A lot of brides think their wedding is the day they should LOAD up on the makeup, try something new, wear their hair down instead of the cute little topknot they rock.. Lemme tell you, your wedding is NOT the day to do all those things! Sometimes the trial is the most successful ‘cause brides realize that OMG this isn’t what I want! (I secretly already know this BTW) But you’d never know this unless you tried! So if you go home and you’re like OMG this isn’t me (PSSSSTTT I already knew it before you left the trial and I’m already scheming in my head about how you REALLY wanna look) Just lemme know, boo! I got chu! It's actually pretty common I show up on your wedding day and say "So I've been thinking.. can we do this instead" or "Can I tweak this a little" ... and I always get the response "OH YES YES YES!!!" 'Cause like I said, I don't stop thinking of your styling after the trial, I look back over the images numerous times to make sure your styling is PERFECT for your wedding day!

Do I need to do a second trial run? Honestly, I’ve never had to do a second trial run. Making changes on the day of is par for the course, and I’m more than confident I can nail it. Especially since I’ve gotten to know your skin, your hair and your personality. Easy Peasy!

HELP I don’t know what I want!

No probs! This is the number 1 reason why Pacific Brides is hired for weddings! Most of our brides aren’t big makeup wearers and barely do their hair. They trust in us to help guide them to what is going to be “Them” on their wedding and we LOVE doing that! I take ideas that you like, and I mold them into what will suit you and your personal features and style, WHILE also taking into consideration the climate, weather, and location of your wedding…. I bet you never even thought of those things did you?If you recall in your questionnaire you filled out for me, I asked you questions about your daily beauty routine, and asked for photos of you and your inspo. Why do I do this? For this EXACT reason. My goal isn’t to make you an unrecognizable person walking down the aisle, but to elevate how you look based on your comfort, personal style, personality AND wedding style!

Can we try several looks at the trial run?

Nope! BUT WHY? Have you ever been getting ready to go out and did you hair just to realize you don’t like it? Have you ever tried RE-doing your hair? how did that work out for you? once the hair is curled or flat ironed, it sets the hydrogen bonds (BORING SCIENCE STUFF AHEAD) those can not be un done without fully wetting the hair and starting over. Which means if you try to style it another way, it has already been set to do what you already told it do.. Ever flat ironed your hair and then tried to curl it? (ok ya you naturally curly hair brides, I see you putting your hand up.. you're a rare bunch *and we all secretly hate you and your amazing beautiful curly locks... just kidding, we love you) Or have you ever done your face up and thought you know what would look good right now? Blue eyeliner (no? ok well I have lol) you apply it and realize it doesn’t go with ANY other color you put on your face. I use mostly water proof/resistant makeup so getting it off doesn’t come without ruining everything else.

SO how do I run a trial run? Remember those photos I asked you to send me? This is where I look at your images, and before our trial run, through email, we’ll hash out any styling inconsistencies or styles that aren’t realistic. This helps going to in the trial run with a solid idea and game plan that we are both on point with! However, small adjustments to styling is ALWAYS ok at the trial, but if you're wanting to try an updo, then wanting beach waves, it’s not going to happen. because SCIENCE

Trial runs are up to 2.5 (90 minutes if your just getting makeup OR just hair) hours because I do have multiple in one day, or other appointments, so we have to keep on track. I always call my trial runs a rough draft, then spend the next few weeks running your style and application through my head over and over until your wedding day. I think about how your skin reacted while I was working on it, how the finished product looked, what can be improved, what skin prep would better fit you, is there a better blush I could use, YES I don’t stop when your trial ends, I’m still mulling over everything we did and hatching a plan to knock it outta the park the day of the wedding….. then we rock out with our socks out!

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